Selected Past Works

A curated selection of Peter's previous paintings

When Sundown Pales the Sky

This is another painting from the study I did of Arthur’s Pass National Park....

Southern Alps Splendour, Mountain in Arthur's Pass

The Southern Alps are the longest and highest mountain range of New Zealand. They extend 550 km in a north-east to south-west orientation across the greatest length of the South Island, from ......

Morning Reflections, Abel Tasman Point

Abel Tasman Point is the rocky headland that separates Tata Beach from Wainui Bay. We often kayak around the Point .....

Kayak Cruise to Tata Islands

The Tata Islands, just off Tata Beach are a popular destination for kayakers. We launch our kayaks just after sunrise, before the breeze gets up....

Towards Arthur's Pass

The journey from the West Coast to Canterbury over Arthur’s Pass ....

Lake Rotoiti from the Source of the Buller River

West Bay, Lake Rotoiti is the source of the Buller River. Famous for its white-water rafting, kayaking and trout fishing, this river travels over 150 km through ....

A New Year Dawns Full of Promise

A lovely beach of dazzling white granite sand, contrasts with a rich turquoise green sea.............

Afternoon Light, Totaranui Road

Totaranui Road is the link between Takaka and Totaranui, the northern gateway to the Abel Tasman National Park. The gravel road is hilly, narrow and winding, and leads to a very popular holiday destination Totaranui Camping Ground…